it makes me want 2 speak eloquently on tragedy measure my words as if shakespeare or some other wordsmith of perfection is standing nearby judging each phrase with a firm knowing only in recognizing the sound of what came before it and what goes after it depends on that exact image only that configurations of letters could gather strength to know
and with this heavy burden do i come able or not to try and understand the importance of such a work of art that as historically accurate as it gives does the sleight of hand just so that i begin 2 wonder
did all of the whole 400 years come about in order2make this movie? because without all of that 12 YEARS A SLAVE would not have been created and if it had not been created how would i have known Northup or Patsey or the spirits between them that have always existed within me?
Yes this film has the awakening quality Northup with the haunted 12 years of worsts days and Patsey with her eternally damned soul of the worst life DEAR ALL WRONGLY ACCUSED OF A TERRIBLE DEED IMPRISONED & CUT OFF FROM FREEDOM U ARE NORTHUP DEAR ABUSED ILL TREATED DENIED SOAP WORKING LIKE A SLAVE FOR NO PAY WAGES U ARE PATSEY
-yes this is a conjurers finest moment
Art that transcends time and space and culture & puts the wrathful eye in the viewers lap
but alas this is my mistake in hoping that art can heal planet earth i have been touched like this before but alone in this vision i was & still am
12 years a slave is indeed what is called a masterpiece- it is flawless in its uglyness & it is beautiful in its diabolical historical accurateness
& so what does it all mean?
what would i hope 4people who watch this rendering of our fragmented evil souls?
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