Thank you for clarifying that my enchantment feeds from a mourners cup. I
suppose in that which supplies me nutrition Kwame is my necessary meal.
The thing is Carl I know that he won't ever not do the music when ever
this shit get done GIGGLY LAUGHING & DEAD mmhuh Kwame is insane and
I'm his monster muse
9:15 AM (3 hours ago)
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Dip your hands in the boiling water pot like Maman Loi and pull out
the rags, then hold up the dripping wet sheet over your head. It
becomes a mirror window for yout to see who is really crazy and who
ain't which means you Kwame crazy I'm crazy You crazy Saul crazy
everybody in Houston's third ward sho nuff crazy...shit wrap your
turban round your head and put on some indigo and walk barefoot down
over to Dowling and McGowen which your cigarette and lip gloss and
incense and refurbished but chipping paint blemished toenails and
beads rattling round your ankles, and stop at the Jesus cross when the
sun melts down to molasses and the neon lights lose their shine and
the kids start running everywhere up and over the sidewalks looking
for a high or a hustle as their mamas piss behind the dumpster-diving
sucking dick for food (don't stop, just wave and keep walking now)
and stroll your geechee gullah goddess self on in one of them old old
rickety mansions with ghosts calling out forgotten names and lay down
in the front yeard hedges of the fifth ward and find you one of them
gunshot shacks. Spend some time. Now if the geyser of dreams doesn't
spring up with a whole world of crazies you doin' good bout now...but
don't stay too long cuz the drag queen fairy godmother gonna sho nuff
come twerking down Montrose talking bout Miss Leda wouldn't let him in
the halfway house wearing heels and lavendar water (he missed curfew
any damn way) and he don't know your Kwame from his Kwame but he sho
nuff gonna look you in the eye and flash a toothy gold plate grin and
make you believe him when he ask you "Guuuurllll, you think you got it
baaaaaddddd???? Lemme sit down and tell you bout a man name Joe!"
the rags, then hold up the dripping wet sheet over your head. It
becomes a mirror window for yout to see who is really crazy and who
ain't which means you Kwame crazy I'm crazy You crazy Saul crazy
everybody in Houston's third ward sho nuff crazy...shit wrap your
turban round your head and put on some indigo and walk barefoot down
over to Dowling and McGowen which your cigarette and lip gloss and
incense and refurbished but chipping paint blemished toenails and
beads rattling round your ankles, and stop at the Jesus cross when the
sun melts down to molasses and the neon lights lose their shine and
the kids start running everywhere up and over the sidewalks looking
for a high or a hustle as their mamas piss behind the dumpster-diving
sucking dick for food (don't stop, just wave and keep walking now)
and stroll your geechee gullah goddess self on in one of them old old
rickety mansions with ghosts calling out forgotten names and lay down
in the front yeard hedges of the fifth ward and find you one of them
gunshot shacks. Spend some time. Now if the geyser of dreams doesn't
spring up with a whole world of crazies you doin' good bout now...but
don't stay too long cuz the drag queen fairy godmother gonna sho nuff
come twerking down Montrose talking bout Miss Leda wouldn't let him in
the halfway house wearing heels and lavendar water (he missed curfew
any damn way) and he don't know your Kwame from his Kwame but he sho
nuff gonna look you in the eye and flash a toothy gold plate grin and
make you believe him when he ask you "Guuuurllll, you think you got it
baaaaaddddd???? Lemme sit down and tell you bout a man name Joe!"

9:34 AM (2 hours ago)
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