Tuesday, July 1, 2014

imagine if u fell flat on your face in some mud & everytime u tried 2get up u just kept slopping around in some mud & imagine that was your life 4 about five years & then something happened & u were still slopping around in some mud but now ur slopping around in some mud with a whole lotta other folks YEAH THATS SANDYTOWN! YAY!

godmother lena "glinda" horne comes 2me sayin-child where do u get this from?

May 12, 2010 at 7:13am
godmother lena "glinda" horne comes 2me sayin-child where do u get this from?

i say-i dunno i think this one come from the fairy people

she say-the fairy people?

i say yes ma'am the fairy people

she say-what happened baby? what all happened?

i say-godmother i dunno thats what i been tryin to figure out the only thing i've come up with is its some mean muthafuckas on this side of the fence who hate me & so now i hate them2

she say-i know baby i know

i say-can'tcha just kill'um all please?

she say -no baby

i say-then can't cha just kill me so then when i get to the other side i can kill'um all?

she say -no baby. u gotta find the way - u were not birthed nor rebirthed in the spirit of hate child u walk with the spirit of love and peace and harmony and abundance

i say -i know! i know! but now that u know everything ya sea i knew u wasn't dead miss lena i knew it! i knew u just went to get bigger to help heal the babies i knew you was just too real compassionate and beautiful and bold and free and yeah u from brooklyn. i know that charm master pattern:
in brooklyn we don't die we multiply
the washateria man taught me that

(we laughin now)
i say
but godmother can u help me? if this story about the cotton n cane workers ain't fit for this world then please send me the world where it works cause i got shit to do-& excuse my language but that oil spewin forth from underneath the waters in the gulf that killed 11 workers cussed worse then i evah could put cussin together
& 92 is 11 & 11 is 2 & 2 is the 2000's & 2 is the twin towers & 2 is gemini twin energy & imma double gemini
& my momma isis/aset herself said something about double indeminity & i looked that up & its something about an insurance policy & if i don't get these spirits they damn movie itsa whole lotta insurance gonna be necessary & i wonder did them lil fishies now got oil all ovah um were insured?
& can't cha just do something godmother can't just do something now that you know the full situation-either one way or another -cause this is really it & that canadian circus had to go and make some acrobatic shit outta sainted michael jackson's supa power hauntin after this world treated him so bad he gave the go ahead for bernie mac to start eruptin fault lines now them po people in haiti got all the ancient hauntin spirits woke up spreadin new nevah thought of diseases pullin presidential planes out the sky
oh its terrible two's alright & then of course the silly camp haha brigade read my work then write hot topics in the other direction - & i ain't got paid for none of my hard work just folks laughin at me callin me ugly and stinky so either come kill me or them or or or i dunno godmother please now that u everywhere please do something - ain't nobody not gonna listen to u especially now. now that u everywhere now that u everywhere now that u everywhere please do something

she puts up her hand in silence. she closes her eyes
this moment of divine awareness i am taken inside her embrace
she whispers
who do u want to help u on this task the universe has given a far too big of a story for a little girl?
i say
the one who was supposed to help me 10 years ago
quincy jones

she says ok child

tears fill my eyes though i fight to contain them
alone again
me & my dusty fan & all my books coverin my great grandmother's bed.
  • Jake-ann Jones Keturah...! do not cry baby. or else, cry -- but do not give up. the cotton n cane workers tale may be a tale for 2015, not 2010! we need to pull ourselves together for the children who are still walking around after the next deluge, whether it's by flood, fire, sun, nulear arms, what eva. do not weep babycakes. breathe deep... oooh! you got a visit from Lena already? consider yourself blessed babylove. hugs
  • Tish Benson wow really? so u believe that we gonna have electricity & clean water in 2015 whether i get this movie done or not? i don't believe that sissy.
  • Jake-ann Jones hmmm. no. I guess I just don't think we're EVER going to have clean water on this planet in our life time, sweetie. whether you make your movie or not. I think we are headed towards devastation that is unavoidable, and rather, we should prepare for lif...See More
  • Stefanie Kelly no. not with tyler 'bitch-assed' perry running around with a film studio,

  • Tish Benson all i know is that this world of now is haunted thats all i know
  • Jake-ann Jones @ Stefanie -- 'bitch-assed' -- LOL!! @ KH. Yes, that I agree with. Very haunted.
  • Tish Benson & stef-
    i saw the movie he did with jill scott about couples...anyway it wasn't no avatar but it was a well made realtionship love story movie
    i also saw the one he did with

    t. henson & i enjoyed that one also
    no i dont get the total
    madea billion dollar thing but i salut him as a maverick in the sense he did not go to film school
    he did not study under a great film auteur for eons & then branch out
    he just did his shit
    & folks enjoy his work
    as far as
    "tyler "bitch assed' perry" i don't get that
    i know u are way more brainy than most folks so in that way i get your disdain
    he makes everyday movies
    about everyday people
    & clearly has figured out what his audience wants to go see at the movies
    pedantic coonshine dribble or church people entertainment
    whatever -its worked for him

    but beside what he does on that level
    clearly his shit ain't stopped the gulf from springin a leak
    & yeah what i'm sayin is
    i believe my art
    this story
    the mythology
    got something deeply connected with how this planet will continue to be life sustaining
    for the inhabitants
    alla us
    fahreal thats what i'm sayin
    & the proof?
    gurl gurl gurl...umph umph umph
    u don't come up with the kind of very interesting
    challenges & obstacles and awareness
    that have been my journey these past years if this truth aint the truth

  • Tish Benson

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