
hey i thought u reincarnated into H.B. ‘s baby?/yeah them mexicuns did a ceremony that sent me back into space/so thats why u made the plane dissappear?/HEY! G.C. SAY QUIT CALLIN ON LEBANON THAT STORY AINT SUPPOSED TO BE TOLD CAUSE HE DONT LIKE U!/yeah and what did u tell him?/WELL YEAH I TOLD HIM YOU WERE MY GODCHILD SO HE JUST GOT 2GET A PEACE WITH WHY HE DONT LIKE U/thank you uncle bernie i love u/I LOVE U 2 BABY GIRL TISHIEin real time uncle bernie im challenged by how to communicate these matters and energies and why do yall prefer tsunamies?/NO WE PREFER A LONG GOOD JOYOUS LIFE AND WHEN THAT SHIT DONT WORK OUT LIKE THAT YEAH FUCK IT WE FIND THE BABY BALL OF FIRE AND TOUCH THEM/only Kwame can unhaunt hainttown onlymrkwamecan unhaunt hainttownonlymrkwamecanunhaunthainttown only mrKwame canunhaunthainttown unhauntHaintownunhaunthaint…/IN RECOGNITION OF HIM TURNING U INTO A CAT AND SENDING U 2 HAINTTOWN I GAVE HIM A PRETTY LEG BIG THIGH GAL/why would u do that uncle bernie?/CAUSE U GONNA TELL THAT VAMPIRE AFRICAN STORY!/no i’m not no im not no I AM NOT!
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