Sunday, September 15, 2013

4me jung speaks 2the most crucial part of my soul the silent sad furious one in despair which helped me build my happy place SANDYTOWN!

With the utmost respect for all of you on this site, I address this question to the devoutly Jungian students, professors and psychologists within the group. I am asking - do a number of you who are studying Jungian thought do so - so that when the world ends or you face your last moments of leaving your body you will be as aware as you can be as to where you travel and then alight? For some of you studying, is your focus more on living a specific archetype now, enacting additional substance of storyline to a particular myth, or simply being within synchronicity - all of the aforementioned, something else, additionally? Or, is this all way too personal for any of you to address? The questions just came to me a few moments ago. Maybe if I receive some answers I will then know why I asked the questions.·

  • You and 2 others like this.
  • Charles McNeill Experienced O.B.E. / for me life after death is not an abstraction or a matter of blind faith ...
  • Donald Bueche Because I don't want to go through life tripping over my own feet, with my consciousness and shadow having separate goals and no communication. I can live better if I understand myself.
  • Travis Stanley I think the reason for making a commitment to study ones Self will be as varied as the person asked. Personally, my study has intensified my capacity to love and opened me up to Life. As my path to individuation has deepened I care most about Now, not some future reward. The "end of the world" and my body is irrelevant to me.
  • Aviela Avielle for me it helps me find inner balance/peace which I believe affects the whole of life that we are living today including the physical & the whole of humanity & even the grow my consciousness & awareness..
  • Tish Benson what a great question!

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