Thursday, September 26, 2013

IN SANDYTOWN THERE IS NOW A MOVE CENTER -fully focused on middle passage time traveling -he say thats what they were doing there in philly- HIM SAY mmhuh we had designed a portal yeah a tunnel to transport the ones on our ships of chains into the present and yeah we would feed um & give um weapons to take back on the ships I SAY -so what does this all mean futuristically? HIM SAY- it means that 30 years of darkness bout to start it means what it means u got a gift that got fucked with wrong so the future is a world that will go into a period of 30 years where its no electricity it means u the truth QUEEN ok so when u coming to sandytown princess cause its all shiny clear and the air & water is clean & perfect I SAY i dunno why i'm still on this side of the fence HIM SAY-itsa children's story u gotta leave on that side I SAY- so thats what it is huh? HIM SAY- yeah thats it I SAY wow this side of the fence sure do it stranger than we do cause in sandytown if somebody got something important & necessary 2do for the advancement of peace thruout the galaxies we provide them with all that they need but planet earth- HE INTERRUPT AND SAY- our scars are the maps that tap then clap then ring and shout back 2the motherland then lift up grains of sands turned stars turned into other glorylands beyond this galaxy earth can't even fanthom what really is darkmatter human dna is not composed of 9th demension ascension capablilities left to understand only that which small minds can handle I SAY so u got bigger huh HIM SAY- make your list out on the things u need 4 Portal's show YES AGAIN yeah i know been there done that all u want is sandytown your pretty girl in sandytown and all u wanna do is get 2your own safe haven yeah i know but u trusted me enough 2listen 2me ok just list the stuff u need 2make this show how u want it I SAY- so what about this 30 years of darkness 4planet earth? HIM SAY- maybe thats really what the show is about I SAY- so an envioroment show? HIM SAY-just shine tish benson just shine

Moldova Marsupial
33 minutes ago (12:57 AM)
It was a tragic event and very sad for the innocent children involved.

Unfortunately the children were considered collateral damage, just as we now consider children collateral damage when we drone the home of a 'suspected' terrorist.

Always sad when children suffer for the actions of their parents 

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