Monday, September 9, 2013


Life Coach Ade is flying solo to discuss the "Freedom of Self Acceptance" at 12 pm Eastern today!

Host of Ask Life Coach Ade Show and Co-Host of Ancestral Blueprints.

Image: The Magic Circle by John Waterhouse
Magic is a way of living. If one has done one's best to steer the chariot, and one then notices that a greater other is actually steering it, then magical operation takes place. One cannot say what the effect of magic will be, since no one can know it in advance because the magical is the lawless, which occurs without rules and by chance, so to speak But the condition is that one totally accepts it and does not reject it, in order to transfer everything to the growth of the tree.

Stupidity too is part of this, which everyone has a great deal of, and also tastelessness, which is possibly the greatest nuisance. Thus a certain solitude and isolation are inescapable conditions of life for the well-being of oneself and of the other, otherwise one cannot / sufficiently be oneself A certain slowness of life, which is like a standstill, will be unavoidable. 
The uncertainty of such a life will most probably be its greatest burden, but still I must unite the two conflicting powers of my soul and keep them together in a true marriage until the end of my life, since the magician is called Daihmon and his wife Bacchus. I hold together what Christ has kept apart in himself and through his example in others, since the more the one half of my being strives toward the good, the more the other half journeys to Hell.

When the month of the Twins had ended, the men said to their shadows: "You are I," since they had previously had their spirit around them as a second person. Thus the two became one,and through this collision the formidable broke out, precisely that spring of consciousness that one calls culture and which lasted until the time of Christ.

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